Deep Learning of Lime - Norway

For students age 13-16, this exercise helped to develop Critical Thinking and Citizenship.

The aim was to get the students to reflect on a topic and see different perspectives and solutions. To learn to cooperate as a group with external actors. In a process of deep learning several skills must be developed to be able to develop depth. Students should develop citizenship and be familiar with the local business sector, and look into future challenges, such as UN sustainable development goals.

We experienced that the students must be allowed to remain in the creative process over time. The role of the teacher is then to guide the students with good questions rather than providing the answers. This will lead to deep learning. We also experienced that it is also valuable to work with entrepreneurial themes and tasks over a longer period of time and not only in a more ‘event-like’ way.


Fairytales - Norway


Communicating through Music - Norway